Let's call a spade a spade and say that this is one of the greatest comedies of all time. Clearly. I think I laugh harder every time I watch it. That magnificent pancake alone makes my day...every day. Now imagine watching Uncle Buck as part of what turned out to be a very nice, first date. How do you think that would turn out? Very well actually.
And such was my evening last night. To keep it short, I had a very nice, traditional date last night consisting of dinner, a movie, some NHL 2010 on XBOX and another movie. All in all - a great time. Laughing hysterically the entire time - this is bound to happen when both parties involved are incredibly funny. Regardless, there was one thing that was obvious about this date that hasn't happened to me in a long time and that was that I could completely be myself and not have to worry about scaring anyone away. Not that you need to worry about that on a first date, but my mother is constantly telling me to tone it down a notch, to sit down for a change when I'm out and about and I'm always telling her that I just can't do that. I can't be someone who I'm not - understanding that my out-of-controlness is more than likely a turn-off for most men but we won't go into the reasoning behind that.
Last night was a relief. Of course this was because we actually have known each other for a long time. A very long time. All the way back to high school. Scary, huh? The funny thing is that neither of us has really changed. We just got reacquainted over a period of a few years and I mean there really isn't much else to say about that. I ran into him - in more ways than one - on Christmas Eve and well we made plans to go on a date. Easy as that.
And when yesterday came along, of course I was a tad bit nervous, but nothing too insane. None of this over-analyzing, what do I wear (lie), what is he going to wear, should I really eat as much as I normally eat or is that disgusting? None of this was a problem. Dinner was great...delicious in fact...and then we went back to watch a movie. No funny business. I got to pick the movie and what other movie to watch than Uncle Buck. Classic. John Candy's greatest performance perhaps. Needless to say - we were both laughing hysterically the entire time. And neither of us thought twice about the fact that we were watching a movie that came out in the early 80s and probably received minimal positive reviews during its prime.
And this is what made the date so much fun. No shame, no worry, no filters. Good stuff. And so here is my concluding thought: while it may be shocking to most that I haven't been on a normal date like this in a long time, I can say that it is my hope that as we all get older and continue to date and be merry - that dates remain this simple and easy-going. Who knows what will happen - if anything - but if nothing else, it was nice to just spend time with a good person who enjoys hanging out and having a good time as much as I do.
Cheers to that...and Happy New Year!