Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Emotional vs. Sensitive

Every day people spend time analyzing the differences between men and women. When you really think about how much time we all spend trying to figure out why he took what I said the way that he did or why she reacted the way that she did - all to find out that nothing was wrong in the first place. That's what I'd like to call - over-analyzing. It's f'n exhausting.

That of course is not the purpose for this blog. Today at work a very young, enlightened mind said to me, "We decided today that men are much more sensitive than women and women are emotional." My response was - I will write my blog about that tonight and here I am.

I'm very interested in this concept because I feel like it couldn't be more on point. Generally when people hear words like emotional and sensitive - there is almost always an assumption that the person/people in question are women. Which makes sense - women generally express themselves more regularly, have unnecessary emotional outbursts that could probably be avoided with a hint of self confidence or trust for that matter. It is for that exact reason that I am confident saying that women, more often than not, let their emotions get the best of them.

Men on the other hand, have a little something stronger that tends to get in their way and that is their ego. I firmly believe that most men (sorry for the blanket statement) let their egos get in their way more often than not- rather than just admitting to a whole slew of things - being wrong, trying to get their way when it's really no big deal, doing something they don't want to do - necessary - and putting up a bit of a fight to try to get their way...all of these things are what drive everyone crazy - including the guy who is involved in the conversation. And I truly believe that a negative effect of the male ego is extreme sensitivity. They don't want to be wrong. They don't want to be told what to do - whereas most girls would rather be told what to do - or at least that seems to be what people think. I say this with absolutely no success stories on dating, on guys or on anything I guess so I'm talking right out of my ass.

I do find that if you are truthful with a guy and it is something that he see's as an insult, a personality flaw or a stereotype - he is not going to be happy with you. And that right there is sensitivity. Sensitive to certain topics - maybe that's a better way to put it. The point is - more often than not - if you say something to a man that can, in some way, be taken as an negative characteristic that he might have - this is not going to be received very well - UNLESS - this man in question is magically willing to understand the fact that we should all be working hard to better ourselves on a daily basis. While that may come across as an incredibly lame statement - I'd say now, more than ever, that's something that I'm sticking to - so please go ahead and deal with the lameness.

So what do we think of these generalizations? Am I crazy...or just absolutely right?

I'd love to hear what you think - as always.

Have a good one..

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This Brings Me to Online Dating...

I don't know what it is lately with the blog...but I just am not making time to write down anything that goes on in my crazy mind every day. Not sure if it's been too much going on to pinpoint things to actually write about or something that I just can't think of all together.. but I'm gonna write something and hopefully it's interesting if nothing else.

If you remember back in the day when I started Blindfolded it was because I had been on what is still the worst date I have ever been on. Well believe it or not I am STILL SINGLE and have taken the apparently inevitable leap into online dating and do you want to know what it has taught me so far - maybe I'm not ready for dating. Here's the thing with online dating - it's completely superficial which is 100% the opposite of my personality. I mean just the other day I got up the balls to send my first 'inmail' on eHarmony and do you want to know what happened???? I got an email saying that so and so had 'declined' my request to communicate. HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW ME and I'm still being rejected. Christ! If that's not a blow to the self esteem I don't know what is...oh wait.. I can think of plenty of things that are a blow to the self esteem but I'm not that angry or bitter to go there.

But seriously - sure people can read your profiles and really get to know how good of a bullshitter.. I mean person you are - but how honest are people being? If you want my honest opinion - are sending me nothing but slop. No offense. That could very well be what these people think of me but I'm just not convinced that this is for me. I feel like every inch of my heart and soul has faith that there is still hope in meeting someone the old fashioned way.. at random, through a friend, never through a family know.. the old fashioned way. And you know what - that's bound to work out sooner or later.

I'm not sure what the pressure is all about to start dating someone - or maybe just date in general - but what I'm doing right now is a hell of a lot of 'hanging out.' My mother will certainly attest to that. I'm never home and that brings me to another realization - maybe I'm not at a point where I want to be dating.. or proactively thinking about dating. Because if I was- I probably wouldn't be going out every night and not logging into my different accounts to see what guy with a bizarre username thinks of me. It's all so strange still.

And so the point of this post is the following - if you are not at a point where you are ready to invest beyond emotionally ...but invest your time...into online isn't worth your time or money. Ultimately everything is about timing anyway so it's either going to work out like this - you'll meet someone when the time is right or you'll be at a point in time in your life when you have the time to find someone.

I'm thinking I still need some me time.. but we'll see how that works out.

Happy hunting!