It's not very often that we meet someone who you can say had an impact on your life in the most positive way possible. Unfortunately, it's in extremely hard times that we are reminded of these instances and sure there are things that we can all do to change that but rather than focus on that right now I would like to take this post and dedicate it to a dear friend of mine, Taylor Brown. I met Taylor back in 2004/2005 through one of my closest friends and it goes without saying that we had one of the best summers ever that summer in New Orleans. Whether it was hanging out at the Villa, driving slightly recklessly in The Disco or visiting the Abita brewery in Abita Springs, Louisiana, the three of us were having the very best time and most importantly - smiling at every moment in every day.
When I got a call the other day from my friend who I had unfortunately lost touch with over time - which we all know happens - it was with extremely sad news. Our very dear friend who we both hadn't seen in years was very sick. My heart broke listening to her on the phone explaining his situation. Cancer. 29 years old. If it wasn't the worst news I'd ever received over the phone - it was close to it. In the midst of wanting to cry, get on a plane to Chicago to give my friend who I haven't seen/hardly spoken to in a couple of years and just give her a hug because I was so sad, I couldn't help but picture Taylor's signature smile. A smile that would be the same had you told him he won a million dollars or if you told him someone slit his tires at an LSU football game. Not a thing in the world could bring Downtown Taylor Brown down. And his current health situation is no different.
As soon as I heard of his situation, I was told of a website that was created in his honor - for him and his fiance, Donia: http://helpsavetaylor.com/ Unfortunately I have never met Donia, but from everything that I have heard from my friend, and everything that I see her doing at this incredibly hard time in her life, I only wish I could meet her to tell her that I think she is one of the strongest, most amazing people that I have never even met. Without knowing her, I know that she was brought to Taylor for a reason and I say that not being religious or spiritual in any way.
When I asked my friend to tell Taylor that I said hello and give him a hug for me, she told me that when she went to see him and said 'Erin says hi' - he immediately said - 'Jersey!!!' That's what he's called me since day one. The only person ever to give me a nickname that wasn't related to my last name. And I can just hear him saying it to me right now...with the biggest grin on his face.
Taylor...if I could come and visit you now in Houston I would tell you this:
I have never met anyone like you. I honestly don't think I will ever meet anyone like you. You have a smile, a personality that can change the mood in any room for the better. So many memories with you over the course of such a short amount of time and I'm so very thankful for all of those times. So very thankful. And if I know you, I know that you are still smiling now, every day and I hope you continue to do that. Cause if I know anything about you, I know that you will fight through this...and smile every step of the way. So much love to you and Donia. Miss you to pieces.
Love always,