It seems as though I am faced with this very question on a regular basis. In today's competitive market - where there are realistically three girls to every one guy (PS- I pulled that statistic right out of my I apologize if that's way off) - it comes as no surprise that people are very often accused of being jealous. Most girls operate on the wavelength that tells them that any girl they see who is even slightly more attractive than she is is a massive bitch and must be destroyed. Of course you would hope that these feelings of sheer anger and menace disintegrate when they leave high school, but that is very often not the case.
However, and that is a very big HOWEVER, there should come a time when these blatant assumptions just go away because the truth is, (and I'll be a little generous here) probably seven times out of 10, that girl who you thought was the devil and probably not the nicest of not. At least this is my theory, but that's moreso because I think I'm a very good judge of character. I have had my fair share of miss-reads, I will call them, but I am only human. My problem is this...
I have reached a point in my life where I'm very honest with people. I don't feel the need to sugar coat really anything and I'm sure some, if not all, of my co-workers will tell you that I have absolutely no filter. When that honesty is translated into my personal life and my feelings towards people who are overly mushy gushy about their relationships or people who try too hard to impress other people, comes across as me being jealous of said people, I do not believe that that is the case. I'm not jealous that he/she is in a relationship and I'm not. I think that over the age of 18 (and that's nice of me) you should not be broadcasting your high school-like emotions to the world.
Here are the facts: if someone is constantly updating their status on Facebook to talk about how she can't wait for Mr. Perfect to get home because he makes me feel like a princess or life is over..he dumped me -- I'm probably going to say that that is just dumb and people need to grow up. The problem is that expressing those sorts of feelings in that type of situation is very often perceived as feelings of jealousy. This is not the case. I am never ever ever jealous of people who are happy in their relationship and have found someone who is potentially their 'other half.' That makes me happy and we all know that I'm always happy so this is a great thing. So why doesn't it come across this way?
Why is it that people assume that other people are unhappy with you because you are happy in your relationship? I'm not sure if it's because in general people do not want other people to be happy. This inspires me to tell an awfully long and drawn out story about a roommate I had in college, but I will not waste the time to do so. In reality, she brought nothing to the table..end of story.
So please enlighten me...if you dare to be so bold. I guess I believe that if you are happy in your own life, it should be perfectly normal for you to be happy for other people who are enjoying themselves as much as you are. Maybe we should all think about that and make that a goal this week. I dare you.