If you are offended by that title, then I will question if you have been somehow living under a rock for the past year. I have to admit that I have not been partaking in this glorious yard game as long as someone like my brother has...but now that I have started I do not anticipate stopping any time soon...well...until winter.
Cornhole is a glorious game that can be simplified by calling it a bean bag toss. It's relatively easy, somewhat competitive...depending on who you're playing with...and it's all in good fun. I would say that any party can be made significantly better if this game is included somehow. Nowadays I find that people are either sick of beer pong and flip cup and just want to drink...and drink hard. This allows you to do that with minimal effort.
Over the weekend, I was fortunate enough to get my brother's friend to let me borrow his cornhole set. Sounds dirty, doesn't it. It wasn't. Saturday was the big day...Oktoberfest. The glorious day of multiple kegs, BBQ and jam band that I have been waiting for for almost a year at this point. My boss (I say boss very loosely as he is a big little kid) throws this party every year and it's just a nice day filled with food and friends...and beer and outdoor games.
Words cannot express the impact cornhole had on this day's events. It was a bit chilly so I think everyone was shocked and dressed inappropriately so they needed something to take their mind off of their coldness and maybe beer wasn't doing it.
Cornhole to the rescue. I made friends with people instantly! It's as if this amazing game brings out the friendliness in people or something but I would go as far as to say that due to cornhole there was some good baby-making music that night...and I'm not referring to me...of course.
So I encourage you all to visit www.corntossfun.com and either invest in a set or at least take a look at what it's all about. I promise you will be happy that you did.
Maybe we can start to say 'Sack it up' and have people not take offense. Who knows?
Have a good one.