Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Would you Say you're Happy or just not Unhappy?

Often times...or better yet on a regular basis...I have people asking me what I'm on. I'm assuming they think I'm on some sort of drug that gives me incredible energy or just keeps me in a good mood, but after 26 years of hearing this, I have come to somewhat of a conclusion: It's pretty clear that most people aren't generally happy, but they would instead categorize themselves as not unhappy. And after this much contemplation, I am still clueless as to how everyone is settling for this.

I had someone ask me at work a while back - 'How do you stay so positive when things are so crazy around here?' So I said, "Well...why would I be negative when I could be positive?" Sounds pretty simple, right? It is and I can't seem to figure out how this seems so foreign to most everyone I come into contact with.

Is it strange that I like to sing 80s songs throughout the day at work at my desk? Probably not to the people who sit around me because it's on a regular basis at this point. Is it strange that I got some of my co-workers to do Journey over the intercom at the end of the day the top of our lungs? No, but only because the big boss wasn't in the office :)

Would you consider it odd that at every wedding I have been to I have had to take multiple trips to the bathroom or nearest 'towel off' area because I am sweating at such a fast pace that my dress changes colors? Hell.. I had a girl who I didn't know at this most recent wedding tell me that I had to be at her wedding. She wasn't even engaged! She says - you are a ridiculous dancer and I want you to be at my wedding. I said yes, of course.

Back to my point...why am I the strange one in these situations? Does that mean that people find it odd that there are other people out there who are just genuinely happy? If that is the case, which I think is true, then that is very very sad, my friends. And I honestly hope that after reading this blog...all 20 of you (and that's generous) person turns over a new leaf and starts tomorrow on the up and up. We all know that's what I would do :)

Stay classy.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Can you Ever be on the Same Page if it's Casual?

A friend recently asked me this so I figured I would ask my growing audience. Let me try to set this up nicely for you though...

Imagine yourself a deer.

Kidding. That's from My Cousin Vinny.

It may come as a surprise to some of you reading this that there are girls out there who are interested in what I've deemed 'casual relations.' I could say casual sex which is what most of you will probably think I'm referring to, but that doesn't cover it all. 'Casual relations' is like casual sex on steroids I guess. There is still the understanding that at the end of the night you're more than likely going to get laid, but...sometimes you can throw in some of the unheard of...

- Random trips to Best Buy to play Rockband...for free!
- Batting cages
- Making food...for groups of more than 2

And you get the drift. But...and here is the's at this point where it seems impossible for both parties involved to stay on the same page. I'm assuming here that most guys think that all girls want a relationship. No matter what they say, there is no way that a girl doesn't want a boyfriend....or at least a guy who will remain relatively faithful to her. Why though? Why is there this huge cloud over girls that is just screaming with emotions, needyness, whining, shopping, apple picking and so on that sends guys to the looney bin?

Can't a girl just want to get hers too? I mean let's say...for shits sake...that the said girl in this situation has already been in a few relationships...obviously unsuccessful ones because she is now single...and she just wants to do what she wants, when she wants, with whoever she wants. When does the assuming start on the guy's end? Is it with multiple text messages in the same day? Does this mean she is needy and wants to spend all of her time with you? Or...does it just mean that she had something funny to say and thought you would find it funny too? Do guys even overthink things like this or am I taking crazy pills?

So let's help a girl out there ever a mutual understanding when things are kept casual? Or is that why people ultimately want to be in relationships? Because they can't handle the ambiguity? Hmmmm.

Let's find out :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Should Facebook be Censored?

I often find myself prefacing my entries with a statement that sounds something like, I don't mean to offend anyone, but...and then I take a step back and realize that that's the point of a blog. To discuss the often un-discussed and leave it up for debate...if that's how things pan out.

So here goes...

I originally joined Facebook for one reason: to look at pictures. In my honest opinion, this is probably how a lot of people spend their time on Facebook...well....that is before this 'Farmville' thing came into the picture. What the hell is up with that anyway? I don't get it. are a great way to keep up with people who you maybe don't do such a great job keeping in touch with. And this is to no one's fault. People fall out of touch and that is just a way of life. There are some things, however, that are not meant to be as public as Facebook makes them and I feel quite obligated to bring this to the forefront in the hopes that it will come to a screaming hault.

Let it be known that I am in envy of any woman who gives birth to a child. This is probably the most amazing thing that any woman can do and I'm sure when (if) that day works out for me I'm sure it will be the miracle of life that I have been hearing about all these years. However...and this is a HUGE however...I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in thinking that it is a little much to post pictures of your newborn AS SOON AS he/she has been removed from the womb. Not only is it probably illegal to be taking pictures in a birthing room (I should look that up but I'm not going to) but it is just not something that everyone needs to see....EVER! I will repeat the fact that YES this is an amazing thing - child birth. But there are other ways to put it on display. Here are a couple that I appreciate.

1. The ever-classy birth announcement....sent through the REGULAR MAIL. This is usually an adorable picture involving some stuffed animals that are holding the baby in place and very often is sent in black and white for dramatic effect.
2. Newspaper announcement - I'm sure this is considered old school...and may not even be available in this day and age but if it is not available, it should be reinstated because I think that has a nice personal touch to it.
3. Email announcement - This way you can select those individuals who you are close enough with to share this special moment with you...NOT all of the so-called 'friends' you have on Facebook. Own up to the fact that you don't speak...actually ever more than half of them.

And the list goes on and on. I can also say without hesitation that I unfriended someone on Facebook because she posted her sonogram for the world to see. Too...much....information. Seriously. I'm much more comfortable seeing pictures of a woman turned to the side to show the baby bump. In fact I think this is borderline adorable. But a sonogram? Isn't that sort of private? I mean that's inside your body...think about that. Would you like to see what it looks like inside of my body? Probably not. So let's keep that all to ourselves.

I think I'm done ranting here. I really want to know what you all think because as always, I feel badly for calling people out...but my goodness. Before the child is even cleaned off? That's aggressive and in my opinion uncalled for.

Please share and my apologies, as usual, for any offense taken. Just making conversation.

Goodnight all.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Let's Try Turning Questions into Decisions

After sitting in on several conversations...and just being really really ridiculously observant, I have come to recognize the fact that we live in a world that is comprised primarily of people who do not like to make decisions. And I'm sure that's for a number of reasons. You don't want to do something that people don't want to do or maybe won't find fun. If the said plans are a bust you don't want to be the one that people are pointing their finger at (which by the way...makes me think of the new, fantastic Paramore cd and my favorite line in one of the songs...Next time you point a finger I might have to bend it back and break it...break it off.) I digress.

There's probably a million and one reasons why people don't like to make decisions, but you wanna know what I think? I bet you don't so I'm going to tell you anyway. When you never make a's annoying. Especially when this happens all the time. And I'm not intending this to come across as rude. It's just something I need to get off my chest. If you want to do something...make a declarative statement (I sure hope that's the right word there cause I would feel like an ass if it wasn't).

My good friend Monaco just executed this strategy perfectly when he sent all of us an email saying that he wanted to go hiking. The email said the following: I want to go hiking and hope you can all make it. It's either going to be the 17th or 24th of October. We'll bring lunch to eat during the day and grab dinner in Hoboken. Let me know if you're in.

Perfect! There wasn't one question in there and you know what? Pretty much all of those who were invited are going and probably even a couple stragglers are coming as well. Awesome. Couldn't have been done better. Nicely played, Monaco.

And so I ask this: Please make your best effort at not asking a million questions in one day. Unless you are asking the answer to a question that you just don't know the answer to. If it involves plans of any kind...just take the leap and make the plans. Even if they are shot down...that's totally fine. It should not be viewed as a slap in the face. There is always the chance that whoever you're asking to do something with just isn't interested in doing that. And that's fine.

Let me know what you think and try not to take anything I write personally. All of this is a sweeping generalization anyhow.

Night night.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Does it get Easier?

As you've all probably gathered at this point, I have been enjoying the single life for almost exactly a year at this point and I honestly cannot say that it hasn't been the greatest year of my life. I've been able to go out and do what I want to do, hang out with whoever the hell I feel like and finally call all of the shots. Awesome.

There's just one thing that's missing and that would be any form of casual dating and/or 'relations.' I will continue to refer to this as 'relations' for the entirety of this post simply because I'm finding it funny...oh and then there's the fact that my mother and her work friends read this on occasion and I don't want to be inappropriate.

While I say that I've enjoyed single life to the fullest, it would have been nice to get some sort of 'dating' experience being that I have jumped from one relationship to another throughout my life and I was looking to get away from that all together. But let me tell you something...just dating is so much easier said than done.

In your opinion, do guys always think that girls want more than just 'relations?' Is it possible that there are actually girls out there that just enjoy hanging out and if the occasional 'relations' make their way into the equation...bonus? I get the sense that that answer is no and I don't understand. And even if you take the time to repeatedly say that you are not interested in the relationship aspect but would be perfectly fine with just 'relations,' that doesn't even make things easier. It's almost like it creates all of these other questions and in the end everyone is left to dry up like a siv.

Bottom line here...let's all just relax and accept the fact that not everyone around the age of 25-30 is interested in getting married tomorrow. Some people just like to hang out and if the occasion 'relations' takes place...super. If not...that's fine too. Enough with the questions and the over-thinking. It's never well-received.

Happy end of the Weekend.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Do We Really Mean What We Say?

In today's world of facebook, twitter, youtube, linkedin, cell phones and all of the other means of not actually communicating that I don't care to mention, it seems more apparent than ever that we have gone right ahead and eliminated verbal communication. That's not to say that I'm not guilty of taking advantage or even just dabbling in all of these social networks or just social mediums. I love YouTube! It's going to make me the rockstar that I have always dreamed of being...or at least since I discovered LBK. Either way, these outlets certainly serve a purpose...whether it be personal or professional...but there is something to be said about using them to put up a front in order to hide who you really are...and that is what I think a lot of people do.

For example, I follow some crazies on Twitter. And these are people who I am pretty sure are considered professionals in their respective fields but they always come out with the craziest tweets and it leaves me wondering if that is their real personality or if they are just trying to be funny and interesting so that people are more inclined to read what they have to say and insodoing..follow them. And with Twitter, it seems that the more you tweet, the more followers you get. And this has nothing to do really with what you're saying, but doesn't that make you feel good in a way? To know that people are 'following' you?

And this type of thing can apply to something as common as the cell phone. I'll admit...I have received some crazy texts in the past. Things that I would not repeat on this blog (you're welcome, Mom). And I have sent some as well. The large difference here, though, is that I never say things that I don't mean. I guess I'm just that messed up or something because it seems that whoever is on the other end of those messages is not coming through in the clutch...or living up to expectations. And why is this?

Why would anyone consistently say things they don't mean? Does that leave the other person wanting more? These random facebook status updates that just say....'So and' What the hell is that about? What do you mean Erin is....? Does this mean that you're just floating in space somewhere? No. This means that you are screaming for attention and want everyone or anyone to comment on your status so that you can feel important again.

I'm a huge fan of funny posts, funny videos and the rare occurrence of a text message that doesn't leave me rushing home to work out my frustrations. Let's just keep it real...and I mean that in the nicest way possible. If all of these 'sort of'' masks were taken away some day, how would we all communicate then? I'm pretty sure we would all spontaneously combust...but I hope I'm wrong.

Goodnight :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

This Guy Could Not Hang

For someone who planned to do close to nothing this weekend, I sure went all out last night. Up until this point, I had never been out in Long Branch. Hell...until they built this chic, over-priced, horrible case of eminent domain luxury shop outdoor mall - Pier Village - Long Branch was nothing to write home about. Well, things change.

So I'm going out to this place called Avenue Nuit...whose website makes it look like a scene out of The Hills and I'm not gonna lie...I was pretty intimidated. Is there going to be an insane cover? Do I absolutely have to buy a bottle of Grey Goose for $400? Am I going to be underdressed? All of these things are running through my head as I'm on my way out. and my trusty sidekick head out to Long Branch. We get's absolutely freezing outside and we have to wait on line for a couple minutes. Still not sure why but that's not the point. We get in (NO COVER :) ) and we head up to this rooftop bar. Gorgeous. Absolutely the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. Half inside...half outside. The outside looks right onto the ocean...has a huge fire going, heat lamps...and a friggin' pool that is blocked off because no one should be swimming at a bar/lounge. Actually it was blocked off because it was freezing out.

Anyway, I'm rambling here just because this place was gorgeous. So I'll get to the point. The music is awesome. I'm dancing like everyone knows I would be dancing. Pulling off moves that I didn't know I had in me. It was a fantastic time. So we meet up with the people we'll meeting up with (crazy...I know) and these guys have just come from a wedding. We're all dancing like crazy. Now... I know the one guy from another friend's party and we are putting on quite the show. Pseudo 'battling' if you will. He dips me to the floor (which I love) and whatever..we're just having a great time.

Enter little Italian guy: So the third guy in the group gets up and he wants to dance with Erin. Ok super. He's 5'5...maybe 130 pounds. But I'm all for anything so let's go. Well, therein lies the problem. This guy tries to do the same thing that his friend just did with me and straight up drops me on the floor...and then proceeds to fall right on top of me. My initial reaction is to try to brace my fall with my left arm and I swear I thought I had broken my arm. This hurt so bad (and still does) and all the while I'm lying on the floor of this chic lounge and everyone is staring at me!!! Awful. Absolutely awful.

But...the good sport that I am I just get up and rub some ice on it and continue dancing. This guy was mortified but in all honesty I was not too happy with him. Nice guy but come on pal. I'm towering over you in my 4 inch knee high boots...and no light fare...what in God's name were you thinking?

It doesn't even end there....Later on in the evening we're still dancing and one of the other guys accidently bumps into my face. Now I'm thinking I have a fat lip. JESUS! No wonder I never go out to these trendy club/lounges. These people were beating the shit out of me!

Regardless of all of these injuries, I had an absolute blast. I would definitely go back to this place (preferably as soon as possible) and I wouldn't trade the injuries for the world. Especially because it caused probably one of the funniest comments to come out of my brother's mouth this morning when I'm telling him this story:

" go out with rich people and they beat the shit out of you."

He doesn't say much but when he's usually gold.

Gotta ice my forearm. Enjoy this gorgeous day!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tip of the Day...Moreso for the Ladies

Now I know I haven't given tips in the past, but I feel as though it would be a disservice if I did not share this beautiful piece of wisdom with all of my lovely lady friends.

We are all well aware of the every day maintenance that goes into being a woman. We have to shave everything under the sun...or under our necks, pluck this, wax that..I mean it can be intensive labor. One thing that just erks me like no other is plucking my eyebrows. Now I know I can go and get them waxed..or even threaded these days - which completely freaks me out - but I don't want to spend the money. At my salon alone it's gotten up to $15! That's insane.

So what do I do, I pluck...for what seems like every single day of my life. Not good. And to top it off, I have crappy tweezers (3 pairs...all of which suck) and horrendous lighting in most of the rooms in my house. I even go as far to move from room to room to see what I'm missing. can imagine my exhilaration when I discovered that one of my favorite stores had a hidden gem.

Anthropologie... the very trendy, hippie, chic store that has graced my area with its presence happens to not only have adorable clothing BUT the most A-M-A-Z-I-N-G mirrors in their dressing rooms. So amazing that I actually went there today SPECIFICALLY to pluck my eyebrows. I mean I did go through the motions. I brought clothes into the changing room...tried them on...of course found yet another pair of Citizens for Humanity jeans that I want but can't buy (eeehheemmm..afford)...and showed my mother all of the outfits. All the while..I am plucking the shit out of my eyebrows. And boy had I missed a TON!

And so I offer up this amazing bit of information from one woman who is so tired of hair removal to the rest of you who probably feel the same. Next time you are in need of a really good plucking of the eyebrows -- do yourself a favor and hit up Anthrologie's dressing rooms. I promise it will look like you'd gotten waxed.

Happy plucking!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Do You Tell the Truth...or Sort of Lie?

I struggle with this on a regular basis. I'm not sure if it's because I'm constantly being told that I'm overwhelming, or intimidating or really really ridiculously tall, but I feel like in some way or another it's been hinted that I should not let so much of me go up front that I currently do. And here in lies my dilemma.

Should I really be obligated to 'tone it down' when talking to someone who I don't know all that well but might be sort of interested in for fear that he will run away? I know I wrote about something like this before, but I hadn't had the same experience that I had tonight (which wasn't something to write home don't get all excited) please don't accuse me of repeating.

What is the appropriate amount of information to give to a person when having a casual conversation? Should people really care? I'm of the opinion that if someone doesn't want to know or gets turned off by something honest that I have to say to him..then that's not worth it in the long run anyway. Maybe that's why I'm single though. Who knows?

The point is this: are people really interested in getting to know a person when they meet them out side of work? Or are they more interested in someone who says what they want to hear? Someone who just looks cute and might give it up by the end of the night? I don't know the answer because I have not been successful in this area.

So let's hear it. What do you ideally talk about with a person...say at a bar...that leaves you wanting to maybe take that person out on another date..or at least leave you interested in a potential second encounter? I really want to know.

Thanks for the input.

Night night.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

You Know Things Have to Get Better When...

I'm not gonna lie...I found the timing of today's event absolutely impeccable. As we all know, due to my lack in sex-related or even guy-related posts that things on the friskiness front are not exactly too hot to handle. That being said, it should come as no surprise that I had the following conversation with the man who works at the dry cleaner/alterations shop that my mother and I have been going to for years now.

I walk out of the dressing room with my bridemaid gown and heels on.
Mr. Patel: Wow. You are a great height.
Me: Yes. I'm very tall..I know.
Mr. Patel: Yes. You really are. You must have a hard time finding a boyfriend.
Me: You are absolutely right, Mr. Patel.

It was at that very moment that I realized that things have got to be turning around for the better if my dry cleaning man is recognizing the dilemma I am having meeting guys...even if we are just referring to the height situation.

And with that, I have a few general questions - mostly for the male readers.

Is it safe to say that taller women are intimidating and you associate them with very harsh, demanding personalities that make you wanna run away rather than run to the bedroom? If that is the case, then is it safe to say that men are relatively insecure...for the most part? Or maybe don't like rejection? At this point...being that I have been 'inactive' for quite some time now, rejection is a nice way of putting how I feel. And it's gotten to the point where I want some answers.

I know that I need to be more proactive because if I am correct in my statements above and men are insecure and/or afraid of rejection - I'm never going to meet someone. So what is a girl to do?

Here's the answer that my mother would say: " time you go out just sit down the whole time. Maybe someone will come up to you because they won't be afraid of your insane dancing." This is coming from the same woman who told me to write love letters to David Carr because she thinks that as Eli Manning's back-up...he must be single and looking for a random psychopath to marry. Thanks mom. I head out for what will probably be one of the most fun nights out with the girls...I would like some answers. To be blunt, how can a girl make herself more approachable? Obviously I can't make myself shorter...nor would I want to. But I am also semi-tired of hearing about how tall I am. I'm well aware.

Thanks for the input and enjoy the weekend.
