Monday, October 26, 2009

Can you Ever be on the Same Page if it's Casual?

A friend recently asked me this so I figured I would ask my growing audience. Let me try to set this up nicely for you though...

Imagine yourself a deer.

Kidding. That's from My Cousin Vinny.

It may come as a surprise to some of you reading this that there are girls out there who are interested in what I've deemed 'casual relations.' I could say casual sex which is what most of you will probably think I'm referring to, but that doesn't cover it all. 'Casual relations' is like casual sex on steroids I guess. There is still the understanding that at the end of the night you're more than likely going to get laid, but...sometimes you can throw in some of the unheard of...

- Random trips to Best Buy to play Rockband...for free!
- Batting cages
- Making food...for groups of more than 2

And you get the drift. But...and here is the's at this point where it seems impossible for both parties involved to stay on the same page. I'm assuming here that most guys think that all girls want a relationship. No matter what they say, there is no way that a girl doesn't want a boyfriend....or at least a guy who will remain relatively faithful to her. Why though? Why is there this huge cloud over girls that is just screaming with emotions, needyness, whining, shopping, apple picking and so on that sends guys to the looney bin?

Can't a girl just want to get hers too? I mean let's say...for shits sake...that the said girl in this situation has already been in a few relationships...obviously unsuccessful ones because she is now single...and she just wants to do what she wants, when she wants, with whoever she wants. When does the assuming start on the guy's end? Is it with multiple text messages in the same day? Does this mean she is needy and wants to spend all of her time with you? Or...does it just mean that she had something funny to say and thought you would find it funny too? Do guys even overthink things like this or am I taking crazy pills?

So let's help a girl out there ever a mutual understanding when things are kept casual? Or is that why people ultimately want to be in relationships? Because they can't handle the ambiguity? Hmmmm.

Let's find out :)

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