Monday, June 7, 2010

The Real World: Bugs Ruin Everything

Without spending too much time apologizing - yet again - for the lack of attention paid to my blog over the past couple of months - I would just like to quickly say that I'm sorry and I hope it doesn't happen again.

During this particular hiatus I have certainly had my fair share of ups and downs. And even though things seem to have ended with a down - I would be lying if I said that the time wasn't spent with mostly ups. No further details will be given at this time as this post is meant to be dedicated to the past two weekends of work that have consumed my life.

After coming off of what will definitely go down as my greatest work-related weekend ever - I feel like a new woman. Despite already knowing the majority of the people on the trip - minus the 3D artists from London - I feel like we were forced into our own miniature version of The Real World and I have to say - I loved it. Normally I wouldn't be a fan of working on the weekends, in the blazing heat, moving boxes and setting endless tables up while I entertain people and get wild children to stand in exactly the right space - but just like anything else in life - if you're with the right people - anything can be fun.

And here is the cast:
JC - the shy intern who very quickly developed an English accent that far exceeded the rest of ours for the entirety of the trip. If I had to say one thing about her it would be that I envy her willingness to ask millions of questions that most people would never dare to ask - and for that she is more confident than she realizes.

AS - the not so shy intern who is quite possibly the biggest Philly team fan I have ever encountered - at least female fan - and thanks to her 'I don't really give a shit' attitude - we were able to tear up the dance floor down in Georgetown for our last night out as a group.

CS - Wow. Really brought the A-game and if I had to give an MVP for Saturday night - it would be him.

Max - Just a couple of words to describe this man - Hilarious, honest, refuses to use sunblock, musically talented, artistically talented, blunt, hot mess and margaritas.

Joe - What to say about an insanely talented artist, writer, actor who seemingly finds his incredible lifestyle to be boring to say the least. He does remind me of a young Sean Connery - so he's got that going for him - which is nice.

EB - What can I say about myself that you all don't already know? Apparently I'm extremely motherly, slightly controlling and have anxiety when I'm in a situation that I can't completely control. Hopefully I'll grow out of it.

Needless to say - you learn a hell of a lot about people when you're forced into a bunch of long working days and overnight adventures with them, but if I had to sum up this 3D tour, I would say this:

Often times in life - we are forced into situations that we wouldn't normally choose to be put in; however, if you keep an open mind and recognize that no matter what you always have an opportunity to learn something about yourself, every experience is for the better. And I can say with confidence that these past two weekends have opened my eyes to things that I hope to do in the future and have helped me get through things that are now a part of my past.

In closing - maybe Bugs really don't Ruin Everything - cause I had a hell of a time.

Thanks guys.


  1. Glad to see you are back! Love reading your thoughts,
    Adventures and general take on life. Please keep it up. Always and truly yours.

  2. I loved this, so funny and heart felt!
