Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who Wears the Pants?

Alright so I've gone on yet another hiatus but I truly do apologize. I have so much going on with weddings and knee injuries and trying to finish Breaking Dawn that I just have lost sight of what is truly important to me: my blog. So I'm back..and with a vengeance. Actually not at all, but I just felt like that fit in there.

Anyway, as I was mentioning to my co-workers today, I am back to terrestrial radio after many months of unsatisfactory service from Sirius and I have to say that it has provided me with some good fuel for Blindfolded. One story in particular that was of significant interest to me the other day was the idea of one person 'wearing the pants' in the relationship. Of course I'm familiar with this saying, but I can honestly say that I have never been the one in that pair of pants (so to speak). That may come as a surprise, but as it turns out, my boisterous personality has not been grounds for having much of a say in the relationships that I have been in and of course I look back and take complete blame for that. But then there's the question that I've started to ask myself: is it better for one person to wear the pants in the relationship? Take charge. Make decisions? I'm sure for some the answer is a beaming yes. There are some people who love other people to take care of them. I haven't quite figured out where I fit in the mix here, but I'm thinking it's somewhere in the middle.

I tend to be a bit of a neat freak and that can DEFINITELY come across as controlling. At the same time, I love stuff like that. I love taking care of the house and making dinner and doing that type of stuff, but then I like there to be shared duties as well. Cleaning, buying things for the house, building stuff...things like that that I love to do together. So where does that leave me in regards to the 'wearing the pants' in the relationship? At the end of all of them I feel like I have been relatively taken advantage of for my 'love' of doing things around the house and paying for stuff so that doesn't seem to work out to my advantage.

It's a very slippery slope if you ask me and if I had to choose, I guess I would have neither person wear the pants in the relationship. Ummm. I mean...I would rather everyone keep their pants to themselves and just be good to each other. Does that sound better?

Anyway, think about it and let me know. And please keep your pants on :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Awkward Issues

Oh hi there.

Hopefully everyone loves to embrace the occasional 'awkward moment.' I know I do. If or when I say something really stupid in a meeting with clients that makes me want to just sink in my chair and die...I just smile and laugh it off as a blonde moment (which I won't be able to do pretty soon because I'm going to dye my hair again;) Anyway, I don't have many examples of awkward moments that I've gone through because I guess I'm past feeling awkward -- which was a huge milestone for me. You know how at my age (that's 26 for all you newcomers) people are really busy getting married and even having children....yeah...well I'm not. I've spent the last couple of years really figuring out who I am and I'll tell you what -- that has been time very well spent. Some people may not agree with that, but you probably didn't know be before when I was the most annoyingly emotional twit that would literally cry or be upset over every little thing that people said to me. Yes. Ridiculous.

And yet again I stray from my topic. I do not understand how people can be so awkward. I have been trying to re-friend a guy I used to date who said he could never be friends with me because of whatever insane reason he concocted that day and it has been like pulling teeth. We're going to be in a wedding together in 9 days and I haven't seen him in years at this point and he still has trouble talking to me over the phone. Legitimate trouble. I mean he studders...over...and...over..and...over again. It's painful to be honest with you. And I just laugh it off but seriously- what is going on there? We dated like a million years ago...let's wrap it up and move on- right? Well I hope so at this point.

Anyway, maybe some of my tremendously talented followers can help me here. Why can't we all just get past the awkward stage? Or is it really a lot more difficult than what I'm giving it credit for here..which is no credit whatsoever.

Please think about this and get back to me.

Thanks all and goodnight.


Monday, April 20, 2009

For Serious?

Silly title, huh? Well what I'm about to write about is pretty silly as well so I figured I would start things off on the right foot. I will begin by saying that this post is partially hypocritically because I used to be this very type of person, but guess what? I'm not anymore so now I can say how absolutely silly this is.

Over the weekend I celebrated a friend's bachelorette party. What a fantastic time! I can't believe that two of my best friends are getting married in just 11 days!!! Sweeeeet! Only that's not the point of this story. I recently found out that someone who was invited thinks that she was only invited to fill a space. Now..I would love to be able to apologize, to set the record straight, but this just brings up the root of so many problems in friendships these days that I just feel obligated to address.

Why on earth would someone invite someone else to a party to fill a space? If you're friends with the person whose party it is, this should not be an issue. And if you are insecure about how real your friendship is, maybe you should consider having a conversation with this person before you go and show up at a party that is celebrating what will be the biggest day of her life! That was drastic, but seriously! Why do people make up stories to make up for the fact that they, at the end of the day, just bailed? Isn't it easier to blame the party planner than actually stomach the fact that you would rather make excuses to stay in than go out and have insane amounts of fun? My answer to that is: I have no clue because I will ALWAYS choose to go out over staying in. And when it comes to going out with my girlfriends- that is a definite ALWAYS.

And so I ask: why is there ever any drama? If you thought that you were invited for the wrong reason, just ask. Get it out in the open so that people aren't making things up and wasting time out of their probably fun-filled life to think about whether or not their blatant invite because you're fun and what not could even slightly be misconstrued for something else. I have no time for this and neither should anyone else. Talk out the problem, or lack there of, and move on. Everyone will be better off because you did...and happier. And isn't that the way it should be?

I think so.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spoil Yourself...Every Once in a While

Now I know plenty of people (mostly girls) out there who do this on a regular basis, but I am coming across more and more of us who have a really difficult time spending money on ourselves and I'm just wondering -- how much is too much and how little is not enough. I went shopping tonight with a friend for a bachelorette party on Friday and she said that she hasn't bought herself clothes in years for the most part. And I thought I was bad!

This is what happens when you have a mortgage, furniture to buy and all of that good stuff. But shouldn't there be a reason to splurge on yourself without feeling like you could be spending that money in another, possibly more rationale place?

I'm not sure that I know the answer to this one. Well actually I'm sure that I do not know the answer, but here's what I do know. Any time I buy something for myself, I feel guilty. Or at least 60% of the time...every time (I know you all saw that one coming- sorry...it was wide open). And then I'm always confused when some of my girl friends go out and go shopping and feel great. So again, I ask, how do you find a happy medium with this? For those of you reading this who do not shop, I hope that you start to take long romantic walks on the beach to appease yourselves. Seriously. Get out of the house every one in a while. Even if you find malls repulsive at least there is a food court and pretty much a guarantee of a free sample at one of the chinese food places. I eat that $%^& up every time ;)


Monday, April 13, 2009

What Motivates Everyone?

After my first day in Voice Over heaven comes to a close, I thought I would try to make this 'dream come true' feeling last until I fall asleep to another night of reading what will most likely be the best book ever- Breaking Dawn. Today I had the opportunity to do VO for...ya know what..I STILL don't know what this is for, but I believe it has something to do with a presentation that some of my co-workers are doing for a potential/current client. Not that I asked, but I definitely never got the down-low on what it was that I was reading today -- but I could care less. It was fantastic. It single-handedly allowed me to fulfill my life-long dream of becoming a movitational speaker.

I'm sure that sounds pretty lame to a bunch of people, but let's just keep those comments to ourselves. I think ever since I was a mentor in college and at my first job for the interns, I have felt some sort of connection to helping people find their way, or figure out what they're good out and just MOTIVATE them to become better than they already are. And that brings up my question for today...

What is it that motivates you? If you have no answer then you have a lot of thinking to do. Not to say that I have a degree in this or anything, but I certainly have done my fair share of successfully reading people and giving 'decent' advice to friends to know that I semi- know what I'm talking about.

In my opinion (and since this is my blog which warrants just that -- my personal opinion) I will say that it is helping people to become better, more well-rounded individuals is really what motivates me. Whether that's telling a corny joke (this inspires people to never tell jokes like me- in case you were curious about that connection), or forcing them to think outside of the box rather than pushing paper all day- I really am at my happiest when something that I have done, said or inspired someone else to do has made their day.

The way I see it, I'm already happy enough. That sounds ridiculous but it's true. I really have nothing to complain about and if I do, I keep it to myself because I see no point in dwelling on the negative. That's not to say that I expect or wish that everyone was this way- but I know that there are tons, hell..millions of people out there who could do so much more with their negativity by turning it into a positive.

So again, I am interested in hearing what motivates you in your every day lives. Hopefully this post isn't too deep for my increasing number of followers. I know you can all handle this.

Good night and good luck :)


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just Say Yes

You may be thinking that this is a SATC reference because I can't seem to stop watching that movie on HBO either but you're wrong. I know my co-workers will definitely have something to say about this post and being that they make up about 95% of my followers (thanks a lot everyone else) I figured what the hell.

I went through a period where I would get extremely annoyed when people didn't want to hang out, go out, or just do anything outside of the boringness that is most days (PS- that's not actually how I feel but I figured I would change my personality for this post). Some may say that I am still like this to this day -- enter all of my friends at work. We're always trying to organize after work hangouts that consist of mainly karaoke, but who doesn't like karaoke? Anyway- everyone is always up for going out at first and then on the day of they are like- ya know what...I'm not gonna make it. I'm tired, I want to go home, I actually have plans that I totally forgot about that I was really looking forward to. It is situations like this that make me wonder -- why can't you just say yes?

Last night was a perfect example of this. I had every intention of doing nothing. I have so many weddings and activities coming up in the next couple of months that financially, I can't hang out. But guess what- You always can. My friend wanted to go out -- and yes that is singular- it was just the two of us and how could I say no? I feel so disappointing when I say no. And that is just it.

Disappointment is just a term I'm not comfortable with. And please do not mistake this as me saying that I think other people are disappointing- this is just how I personally feel when I say no to people. And so I don't. And what happens as a result? Well...I have an awesome time, every time -- that's what happens. Every time I want to stay in and don't because someone asks me to go out- I always, always, always have fun.

And here is my little tidbit on this dreary, Saturday morning (it would be nice to get a sunny day in here so that I don't look all washed out in this upcoming wedding)...the next time someone asks you to do something -- no matter what it is -- just do it. You know that you can and chances are you will more than likely have a fantastic time.

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's Officially Wedding Season!

Remember that time when all of your girl friends, sisters or whoever turned 16 and they had those awesome Sweet 16 parties? And after going to about 3 of them they stopped being cool? Well weddings are nothing like that. I'm sure there are a lot of people who hate weddings- whether it's because they have been too many, can't afford them or just have really weird tendencies where they could possibly hate something that offers free food (unlimited), open bar, dancing, and free entertainment in that all of the old people come out of the wood work, get wasted and more than likely make fools of themselves. Sounds pretty awesome to me.

Now that everyone I know is getting married, about to get married or thinking they might never get married -- I have started to develop a small fraction of the wedding gene that the majority of my girlfriends have had since birth. That 'developing gene' is being further enhanced by my never-ending obsession with watching 27 Dresses but that's another story all together and certainly does not need any recognition.

Anywho..my main reason for writing tonight is to ask the question: What is your favorite part about weddings? And you can't say open bar.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Vanity is Quite Ironic When You Think About It

I feel very obligated to begin this entry with a MASSIVE APOLOGY for taking so much time between posts. There are a couple of individuals..BOTH who are not actually followers..who have complained that I am significantly slacking on the blog front so here I am with flying colors and ready to get back into the swing of things. I hope I don't fall off the boat any time soon.

Being that I've had a decade (translation, a couple of weeks) to think about my next topic, it is still going to be what I meant to write about a couple of weeks ago: vanity. It's come to my attention that there are people out there who are either vain or people think they are vain when really the whole topic is just never fully discussed and I would like to get to the bottom of this.

Here's how I see it. You have those people (guys and girls) who are just 'face-value' hot. These people can almost always be found at Jersey Shore places like Jenkinsons or Bar A on the weekends or Tuesday nights in the summer wearing either a blowout and a muscle/surfer shirt or a jean skirt with a top that is barely there. Of course I adore all of these people, except for one minor detail. They probably suck.

And here's my theory. After meeting the hundreds of thousands of people who I have met- I have come to a couple of conclusions. One of those is that most people who you assume are vain or full of themselves or whatever, are more than likely lacking in several other major areas. Personality, sense of humor, Giants fans, outdoor activities, love of food, etc. All of these qualities make up an incredibly awesome person. I will almost put money on any one of these above-mentioned over-dressed and over-made-up people at Jenks or Bar A lacking in all of these areas- which is why they suck (see how that came full circle. I love it.).

Which is what brings up the question- why aren't those people who actually have all of these qualities: are cute, funny, smart, like the Giants, like to go out, dance, party, do karaoke and the list just goes on and on...why aren't these the people who have all of the confidence in the world? It makes no sense. More than likely, these are the people who struggle with body issues or have low self esteem and don't deal well with large groups of people who they don't know. There's a number of different scenarios here, but my question really is -- why is it that the people who have it all are very rarely recognized as having it all? When do they get the spotlight?

And so there it is..a question for those of you who still remember that I have a blog and are interested in what I'm thinking about on a regular basis. I hope I have opened up at least one person's eyes and helped him/her start up a conversation with a person who they may not normally have spoken to. Why not? At the end of the date you know that he or she is an idiot whose missing out on probably the coolest person they will ever know. That's what I always say at least.
