Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Awkward Issues

Oh hi there.

Hopefully everyone loves to embrace the occasional 'awkward moment.' I know I do. If or when I say something really stupid in a meeting with clients that makes me want to just sink in my chair and die...I just smile and laugh it off as a blonde moment (which I won't be able to do pretty soon because I'm going to dye my hair again;) Anyway, I don't have many examples of awkward moments that I've gone through because I guess I'm past feeling awkward -- which was a huge milestone for me. You know how at my age (that's 26 for all you newcomers) people are really busy getting married and even having children....yeah...well I'm not. I've spent the last couple of years really figuring out who I am and I'll tell you what -- that has been time very well spent. Some people may not agree with that, but you probably didn't know be before when I was the most annoyingly emotional twit that would literally cry or be upset over every little thing that people said to me. Yes. Ridiculous.

And yet again I stray from my topic. I do not understand how people can be so awkward. I have been trying to re-friend a guy I used to date who said he could never be friends with me because of whatever insane reason he concocted that day and it has been like pulling teeth. We're going to be in a wedding together in 9 days and I haven't seen him in years at this point and he still has trouble talking to me over the phone. Legitimate trouble. I mean he studders...over...and...over..and...over again. It's painful to be honest with you. And I just laugh it off but seriously- what is going on there? We dated like a million years ago...let's wrap it up and move on- right? Well I hope so at this point.

Anyway, maybe some of my tremendously talented followers can help me here. Why can't we all just get past the awkward stage? Or is it really a lot more difficult than what I'm giving it credit for here..which is no credit whatsoever.

Please think about this and get back to me.

Thanks all and goodnight.



  1. Obviously, you learn more as you get older, but I don't think we ever really get past the awkward stage. It seems like just when you think you've got life all figured out, you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend...or something equally as bad.

    When you're 92 years old and unable to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time, that's when you know enough about life to really be smooth. That's the irony.

  2. You know I think you are a breath of fresh air but in my opinion you are the odd ball on this topic. I think feeling awkward is just plain normal. The way people handle feeling awkward is a totally different matter. This boy you speak of needs to just learn to control his awkardness...easier said then done.

  3. Recently, I came in contact with an old flame from way, way back. We didn't end on such a bright note, and I truly thought we would never speak again. When we reconnected, many feelings that had been dormant resurfaced, both good and bad. Initially, it was a bit awkward, but after some nice, long, face-to-face conversations, everything was fine. It seems that, that was all that had separated us in the first place. Lack of communication. The lack of communication over a long period of time will make for an awkward conversation when the reconnect finally occurs, but the eventual conversation will ease the tensions and begin to eliminate the awkwardness. Maybe he is still harboring unknown sentiments concerning you. Sometimes, just trying to be someone's friend after being more, is awkward. Perhaps he is still holding a grudge against you... Perhaps he feels guilty of something he did to you... Who knows. The time that you spent trying to figure out who you are just might have coincided with the time he spent trying to forget who he was.

    I guess you just have meet the challenge, or learn to accept it... and for you, that may be a bit... awkward.
