Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who Wears the Pants?

Alright so I've gone on yet another hiatus but I truly do apologize. I have so much going on with weddings and knee injuries and trying to finish Breaking Dawn that I just have lost sight of what is truly important to me: my blog. So I'm back..and with a vengeance. Actually not at all, but I just felt like that fit in there.

Anyway, as I was mentioning to my co-workers today, I am back to terrestrial radio after many months of unsatisfactory service from Sirius and I have to say that it has provided me with some good fuel for Blindfolded. One story in particular that was of significant interest to me the other day was the idea of one person 'wearing the pants' in the relationship. Of course I'm familiar with this saying, but I can honestly say that I have never been the one in that pair of pants (so to speak). That may come as a surprise, but as it turns out, my boisterous personality has not been grounds for having much of a say in the relationships that I have been in and of course I look back and take complete blame for that. But then there's the question that I've started to ask myself: is it better for one person to wear the pants in the relationship? Take charge. Make decisions? I'm sure for some the answer is a beaming yes. There are some people who love other people to take care of them. I haven't quite figured out where I fit in the mix here, but I'm thinking it's somewhere in the middle.

I tend to be a bit of a neat freak and that can DEFINITELY come across as controlling. At the same time, I love stuff like that. I love taking care of the house and making dinner and doing that type of stuff, but then I like there to be shared duties as well. Cleaning, buying things for the house, building stuff...things like that that I love to do together. So where does that leave me in regards to the 'wearing the pants' in the relationship? At the end of all of them I feel like I have been relatively taken advantage of for my 'love' of doing things around the house and paying for stuff so that doesn't seem to work out to my advantage.

It's a very slippery slope if you ask me and if I had to choose, I guess I would have neither person wear the pants in the relationship. Ummm. I mean...I would rather everyone keep their pants to themselves and just be good to each other. Does that sound better?

Anyway, think about it and let me know. And please keep your pants on :)


  1. Every good team needs a good leader. Same goes for relationships. Comprising the duties within a relationship is very important and so is being good to each other. But someone has to lead. In your case, you might just have to take that leading role.

  2. My real reason for responding to this post is to point out to everyone that I was the coworker with whom Erin was discussing the switch to terrestrial radio.

    But, to get to the point at hand,...a healthy relationship, as I see it, is one where both people lead, but in different situations. For instance, you might lead when it comes to cleaning and housework, but your significant other might lead when it comes to planning weekend getaways, or buying concert tickets or playing Madden Football '09.

    I, for one, HATE housework so I would welcome a woman who leads in that department. In fact, my health would probably require it.

  3. i wear the pants.

    in everyone's relationships.

  4. I have to second Jess' response as you well know. And I also agree with the other two commentors. Take the lead, follow the lead, compromise the lead, whatever it takes to develop and maintain a healthy relationship. That's all that matters. I wish it would work in mine...
