Monday, August 10, 2009

Hurry Up and Wait

Now I am pretty positive that both men and women do this to each other on a regular basis, so no one has to go ahead and assume that this blog is sexist in any way. I certainly hope that's not the consensus but I never know. I'm very misunderstood.

So imagine you have made plans with your significant other, acquaintance, anyone...and you set a time and a place to meet. Or even better, you plan to meet up at that person's house. Now you're ready to rock and roll when you get there. Hell..nowadays, you're lucky if the person gets out of the car to come to the door to get you (this is obviously more of a date situation) as they are more likely to text you from the car to come outside. Real romantic, right?

Let's pretend for a minute that you go to the door and knock to get the person you're waiting for and they come to the door in their pajamas. Yup. That's right. They have taken zero time and put in zero effort to be ready on time and now you have to wait for them. Awesome. Just what I wanted to do tonight. Sit around while you ask me what you should wear, where are we going, do you really want to go there? I want to stay in. Let's just watch a movie. Ugh. It all makes me sick. And I would imagine this makes most people very angry and leads to things like road rage, violent behavior, the single lifestyle.

Why does this happen? Is it laziness? Uninterest? Boredom? I have no clue because I would like to believe that I would never make someone wait around for me. Or ever encourage sitting around and doing nothing unless it's cold and raining out. Sitting around when it's cold and/or raining out is fantastic and there's nothing better. But any other time. Awful.

And so here is my advice. Take it or leave it. I recommend taking it if you have even the slightest interest in making someone happy. Just be ready on time. Take the time to get your shit together and go out and have a good time. Everyone will benefit in the long run and it's the right thing to do. So just do it.

Thank you and good night.

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