There must be a HUGE preface to this post because this year's Thanksgiving Eve will unfortunately be without the Stapleton-Levi duo and that saddens me. It deeply saddens me but in their honor I will be sure that the ladies take it to the house on the guys for the THIRD consecutive year in the never-ending game of flip cup.
I digress...let's focus on Thanksgiving for a split second. How could any holiday be better than this?!?! It combines two of the greatest things in the world: tons of food AND football. What could be better? Well that's exactly what I'm about to tell you.
I'm very lucky in that I have a very, very close group of friends that I have pretty much grown up with. And even as some have moved away or what not - we still make a point to all get together and let it rip as often as possible. Thanksgiving Eve is the culmination of all of those other 'minor' gatherings. Between Foxworth's rants, Jessica's dancing on chairs, Olson's just being Olson and the occasional 'trash-talking' sessions, this evening provides enough laughs and just utter nonsense that will last the entire year. The real question is this...
How on earth are we all going to make it to Donna B's amazing breakfast of champions on Thanksgiving? Should be interesting.
I'd love to hear what everyone else does on Thanksgiving Eve...maybe we can throw some madness into our evening tomorrow night.
Happy Turkey Day everyone!
Being "Donna B" I feel I must answer that final question on how on earth will you manage to get to breakfast. Simply put, best people on Earth, hands down. Greatest group of human beings to have graduated in 2001, having known each other in excess of 10 years and in some cases 20+ years. Always easy to invite people to your home since that first boy/girl school dance when we had no furniture, just plenty of floor space and Mr. B cooking up some french toast in the a.m. Now, the sleepovers are at Christina's or Steve's or Bryan's and Mike's in Hoboken and into the city at Leann's and, alas, Donna B gets whatever is left over (pun intended). Glad all could make it, old friends, new friends, newlyweds, engaged couples, singles galore. All are welcome at Casa de Bijas.