Monday, May 4, 2009

Tweens + 26 Year Old = WOW

After one of the greatest weekends in my young adult life, I have a hell of a lot to say about the youth in America right now. Or as I will refer to them from this point forward -- Tweens. These are kids between the age of I guess be honest with you I don't really know what the specific age is for this category but these kids are who I was most exposed to this past Saturday and Sunday and boy did they open my eyes to a whole helluva lot.

First off- and on a completely separate note- I have to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to the newlyweds- Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keller. They are currently on their honeymoon in Antigua but their wedding will go down as one of the greatest days (2 days) of my life and I am just beyond happy for them.

Alright- enough about weekend continued with Lady Gaga on Saturday. Now I'm sure most of you who read this are thinking- what the hell were you doing going to see Lady Gaga. Well first of all- she's awesome. She might dress like she just fell from outerspace and then rolled around in some tripped out fairy tale, but she can sing, dance and play the piano with 4-inch stilettos. That's talent. Anyway- the concert was obviously filled with these little tweens. Little girls who will honestly try to push their 40 pound 4 foot off the ground bodies through massive towering objects like myself. I found this funny and frustrating all at the same time and contrary to popular belief- I don't start fights with people. If anything, I am very reserved and respectful of people who are blatantly ruining a concert that one of my great friends got me tickets for (THANKS AGAIN!)..but that's beside the point.

So we have established our standing room only space up against a balcony. Perfect view and I'm standing further back because I'm towering over the little tweens in front of me. Towering. But I'm not going to worry about it. I can see just fine. Well these little girls try to start pushing me out of the way and finally I had to say- Excuse me- is there a problem? And it went on until I called them silly. Real mean- I know, but seriously? This girl couldn't move me if she tried and she was legitimately starting a fight with me. It was funny...and short lived.

The night progressed with some other floosies who I can only assume were drunk who were falling all over me in my massiveness! I just can't believe how rude these people are. Good thing the concert was fantastic otherwise it would have been a complete wash. The night was complete with some great hangout time with a friend who up until this point I was convinced lived in a secret lair with nothing but honey wheat pretzels to snack on...and maybe a 6 pack of beer.

And now comes the rain. For those who are unaware- Bamboozle is an all day concert whose main target audience- not all, but mostly- are tweens. These are punk, pop, ska, rock, heavy metal bands who are either completely not mainstream, on the way to becoming mainstream, want to sort of not be mainstream but might become mainstream anyway, and then No Doubt. All in all, the bands we saw were awesome, but these kids...I mean I have never seen such filth!! People were yelling out things like- "If I had swine flu I would give it to you!!!" SEriously? I mean you would wish swine flu on a complete stranger? Weird. People were throwing clothing...and not just like jackets. I'm talking sweat pants, flip flops, sneakers, socks, stuffed animals...CDs...bodies... I mean this was a complete $hit show. And to top it off- it was pouring all day!!!

This left me very concerned with the youth in America these days and I just have to ask: What is going on with either parents nowadays or schools or something?!?!?! These kids legitimately have no morals, goals, ideas about not having sex until you're old enough to know what could happen...and all kinds of other things. I have never seen so many piercings in my life!!! Some kid had the back of his neck pierced! How can that be comfortable while you're sleeping?!?!? I mean it just makes no sense. I also saw some person holding up a sign that read: "Let's play a game. Guess my gender." Really? You took the time to make that sign? That's pathetic.

I think these kids need to lay off the drugs, stop having sex and stop saying things like I wish you had the swine flu. I think we would all be better off.

So I would love to hear what your thoughts are on this. How can we help these kids to not be such hot messes? It's scary and I'll tell ya- it was a real eye-opener.

Well have a good night. I'll write again tomorrow. I promise!


  1. Wow. Two shout-outs in the span of a week. I am on the verge of blushing here.

    I agree with you whole-heartedly here. I am going to go on record and will say, my best old man voice, ‘what the hell is up with these whippersnappers today?!’

    You are exactly right. These kids have no morals, no goals and they are all filled with the notion that the world is here to cater to them. They are practically given cell phones before they even learn to talk. They spend their days locked in front of a TV, playing with a gaming system that is more expensive than my first car. They all think they’re going to be rappers or pop singers. They all think they deserve the same house on Cribs that Jay Z has. The reality is, the only fame these listless punks will actually achieve is when they star in their very own Domino’s Pizza YouTube video. That’s if they’re lucky.

    Sometimes, I think countries like Israel have it right when they make 2 years of military service mandatory for every 18-yr. old boy and girl. At least then, these kids have some discipline drilled into them. Obviously, their parents are incapable of doing it.

    That’s my two cents.

    BTW, I absolutely LOVE the idea of a Rold Gold honey wheat pretzel lair! I am going work up the schematics on that today. (Estimated completed construction date: 2013)

  2. I agree whole-heartedly with this Saul person who loves pretzels! Having a tween niece gives a person great insight to what little shits they actually are. I say correct them when you can and ignore them most of the time. Avoidance at all costs is also suggested.

  3. I also have no idea what age a tween is but I feel like slapping one right now! Luckily I'm maybe 7 to 8 years from parenting a tween.

    I think the problem starts with the parents and their inabilibity to parent their tween. In today's America, parents can't effectively parent without the worry of child services knocking on the door. I say fuck that shit! I've been disciplining my kids since they could hear. And that includes spanking when necessary. Now I still have to test that my menthods worked when they reach the tween years.

    Sadly the only real hope for today's tweens is that the 2012 theory is true. A clean slate will do us good.
