To be honest, this is the best example I can think of off the top of my head and to be honest...I think this is a great example of confidence. Good for her though. You go girl.
Regardless, I am truly interested in this topic. I am certainly the case study for someone who appears to be extremely confident but who has some minor/major set backs and head case-type situations that are questionable. That's neither here nor there...this is about YOU. My loyal readers (I hope).
In your opinion, what is your idea of confidence? You can certainly take the personal road on this and tell me what makes you feel the most confident. For me, this is easy. Any social environment. That's cute, right? No, but seriously I really do just like being out and about. Case in point: Live Band Karaoke on Thursday nights at The Downtown. I don't even sing and I have the best time of my life every time I go (which has turned into every Thursday if any of you readers want to join me this Thursday. I'll be there). Between the non-stop air guitar and the non-stop rock and roll doesn't get better than that. But that's just for me.
What about you? Are you the type of girl who enjoys dancing around in your underwear in your room when no one is home? If so, you should get this checked out because if you're over the age of 12 (and that's generous) that's just weird. Completely joking. Rock it out.
And guys? Do you feel like the man when you go to the gym in your wifebeaters and your new haircuts and dead lift over 400 pounds? That sounds awesome right? If that's your thing, then great. That's terrific. I always encourage people to do what makes him/her happy. However, if you take the time to watch that clip I would just like to make one comment: if anyone ever spoke to me like this I would have some serious words to say to him. And I promise it would be worth hearing.
Help me get to you know you better..and maybe even yourself in the process (moderately corny--> yes. Am I worried about it --> no. And that's confidence.
Goodnight all :)
Jeez I love Scarlet and her confidence! I admire people with that much confidence, I don't have it, case in point, my disaster at my one time at karaoke! Haha. Remember though that too much confidence can come across as arrogance and no one likes that.