Friday, February 27, 2009

Compatibility...What Counts the Most?

After overhearing a series of conversations today, this seemed like the topic that I would most likely write about tonight. Compatibility. So you're thinking....ugh...more relationship stories or whining or complaining..not so much. This is just purely throwing out the question: What does it take to be truly compatible with another person?

I overheard a conversation at work today where a woman was saying that you should never have to work at marriage or a relationship...that it should all come 100% naturally. Luckily I was not first-hand involved in this conversation and rather stuck re-formatting a Word document that was put together by someone who thinks that an outline format can be easily overcome by a space-barring format (otherwise considered the stupidest method of all time). My first thought was...and still is...this woman is delusional. While it is just lovely (and I can think of no better word than lovely) to think that marriage is just an effortless daily routine that is no more stressful than a sensual massage (please say that in the Austin Powers voice), that's just not the case. I cannot think of even the happiest of couples who does not have to work at their marriage or relationship in general. That's just life.

But to get back to my point, what is it that makes people truly compatible? Is it common interests? Music? Hobbies? Sports teams? I'm sure you're thinking -- well that's easy, Erin. It's a combination of all of those things. And to that I say that it is quite rare that even half of those things work out in the compatibility department and if they do, then your significant other either has some weird social awkwardness (i.e. is shy) or doesn't like to hang out in groups. Something really weird...or hell...something I don't even know about.

After dating, friendships, and any other types of relationships, I have come to the semi-conclusion that compatibility is simply a genuine desire to want to be in the other person's company. It really does seem to be that simple. Rather than going into detail on what has caused me to come to that conclusion, I would just like to leave that open for comment.



  1. If being 'in love' were easy, everyone would be in it.

  2. Everyone is in love... aren't they?

    Compatibility... has nothing to do with simple desire. For example...I genuinely desire to be in your company. 'Doesn't make us compatible...

    Think about it.
