Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Girls Dress For Girls

And now for my first guest blog...

If you are a girl, you will know what I mean when I say that there is nothing like a new pair of shoes. Chocolate might come close, but a new, fantastic pair of shoes always wins. You can’t wait to wear them out and show them off. But who exactly are you showing them off too? There is a common misconception that girls spend an exceptional amount of money on top-of-the-line shoes, purses, clothes, etc. to impress guys. As much as we would all like to believe this, in reality, girls dress for other girls. Not to be “attractive” to them, but it’s more like a competition. Because when it comes down to it, do you really think a guy is looking at your fantastic shoes? I don’t think so.

A guy wouldn’t know the difference between a top by Gucci or a top from Target. If it were up to the guy, you would be naked anyway. So why do we do this? Why do we spend thousands of dollars of our hard-earned money on these expensive items? Because we want to be that girl that other girls envy. Now, you might be thinking “wow this girl is crazy” but you know it’s true. Whether you consciously do it or not, when you wear out that new pair of Marc Jacob boots, you want another girl to notice that those are Marc Jacob boots. If you didn’t, then you might as well get a knock off pair at Payless for a fraction of the price. Am I right? I mean I’m not the kind of girl that wants to have other girls jealous of her. But when I spend $200 on boots, I want someone to think “Ooo I wish I had those boots.” Otherwise, what’s the point?

Now boys, you have to agree with me here. When was the last time you REALLY cared about what a girl had on her feet, or the purse she was carrying? Even the clothes a girl wears, you have NO CLUE where she got them or how much she spent. Nor do you care.

You girls all know that when you are at a bar with your girlfriends, you most definitely notice when a girl walks in with an awesome outfit, a fabulous purse, or those earrings you were eyeing at Bloomingdales. I’m not saying that we judge (although some girls do) but we definitely notice. When guys look at a girl who walks in the bar, her appearance does matter, of course. I mean you can’t be poorly dressed and still expect to be noticed by a guy. But he has no idea what designer your wearing, and he does not care.

So basically I’m asking the question “why?” Why do we put this pressure on ourselves to impress each other? I myself am guilty of this too. And I’d love to say I’ll stop, but I won’t. I love having nice things that any girl would want. And I enjoy having another girl gawk at my purse when I pass by. That’s a great feeling. So is that bad?

Sincerely yours,
The Girl in the Green Scarf


  1. I enjoyed reading the guest blogger's point of view and couldn't agree more. I do have to say that this doesn't get better the older you get, the competition just gets rougher. You need to have the best jewelry, real estate, home decor, you get my drift. I, however, do not like the jewelry (except for great costume stuff to match every great outfit) and the home is just a place to rest and keep all the clothes, particularly shoes. It should be noted though that I got a late start on all of this fashion stuff, but I now love to shop, particularly on line. Keep up the great writing!

  2. I believe Mrs. B. is referring to shopping in my closet, but that's quite alright. She has the better shoes anyway. I can honestly say that when I buy a designer bag- it is just for me- no one else. I figure- since I have no other 'gifts' in the uppper body region- might as well have something gorgeous hanging off my shoulder.

  3. I don't know. Everything you said is dead on.

    But I do know that I really, really love my handbags. And we all know how I feel about my shoes. Specifically my Carlos'... oh how I love you dearly...
