Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why Blindfolded?

Now that I have a couple of posts up, I figured this would be a perfect time to explain the meaning(s) behind Blindfolded. Unfortunately, I cannot take credit for coming up with the name, but I will absolutely take credit for what I have translated this blog to be about. After telling a friend my 'Slayer' story, he says-- You should start a blog and call it Blindfolded. And there you have it. The completely literal meaning behind the blog, but as I had said in a previous post, if this entire thing was about me, that would get boring really quickly.

And so now there is extended 'Erin' definition...which will involve way too much explanation and possibly a couple of run-on sentences, but just go with it. Here goes...

Although I am at the ripe young age of 25, I can honestly say that I have had my fair share of experiences. Whether they be horrible blind date experiences, a family crisis, a terrible falling out with a friend, or a vicious falling out with a co-worker, these experiences have all given me the incredible insight I have today. For that reason, I think that I have developed somewhat of a flaw in that I find myself thinking that I know a lot more than I actually do. I wouldn't use the word stubborn because I'm not a fan of that word...but I generally think that I can take care of myself and very often do not think there is a situation that could come up that I wouldn't be able to handle, help someone else handle or anything in that same category (if that was a category).

Once I realized that this was probably not the best way to go about doing living the incredibly happy life that I do....I made the executive decision to just relax. Stop being such a control freak who has way more than the normal amount of O.C.D. tendencies and who was starting to be too emotional for her own good. And that is exactly what I have done.

So to tie that back into my thinking behind this whole Blindfolded thing...I guess you can say that my life now, although I am much happier and just a better person because I have made these changes and lightened up kind of a lot, my control-freakyness still gets to me sometimes, so in a's like constantly wearing a blindfold because I don't always know what's going to happen now. That's okay...but it takes me out of my comfort zone...and I like it.

And there you have it. That's definitely the long explanation I told you you would get at the beginning, so I'm not a liar. I plan to write more interesting blogs about all kinds of topics, not just relationships. We'll get to talk about sports, pet peeves, stupid people that annoy me and hmmm probably some other really really ridiculously interesting topics that I can't think of right now.

Enjoy. Relax. And try to leave your blindfold on. That probably sounds really corny, but I can say those things now that I am writing this blog. But take it for what you will...and maybe make up your own definition. I'm fine with that.


  1. Bravo, mon cherie!

    Can't wait to see what the future holds in store for us :)!

  2. Enlightenment at 25, I'm impressed. It took me 7 more years, but at least we get there.
