So you're probably thinking...well she definitely isn't going to live up to the last entry...but what I'm really looking for here is some information. I recently saw the new hit movie -- and by hit movie I mean complete chick flick that I would go to see over and over and over again: "He's Just Not that Into You." In case you are unaware- this movie is staring everyone who is beautiful in Hollywood (Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johannson, Drew Barrymore, and my new favorite guy- Bradley Cooper). I'm not going to say that he is replacing Vince Vaughn as my dream guy, but he's coming in a close second after this movie. Anyway, the entire movie is mainly focused on this one girl, Ginnifer Goodwin, who is quite frankly the majority of girls. She's absolutely clueless when it comes to guys, tries to read into all the signs, waits around by her phone for Mr. Right to call (*please note that when I lump 'most girls' into a category, I am in NO WAY referring to myself or any of my girl friends...just to be clear) and is ultimately going to find herself very often in the 'I Hate Guys' section of every bar, yoga class or self-help seminar.
Moving on, the big idea in this movie is that guys are not difficult to read. In fact, they are so simple and mindless when it comes to their approach to relationships or just dating in general, that girls should just give up when it comes to romance, spontaneity or anything that might blow up your skirt (not literally). In all honestly, I know there are some guys out there who do not fall into this 'I refuse to put in much of any effort when it comes to girls' category, but what is the deal exactly? Why is it that they dedicated an entire movie to 'What Women Want' and decided that it would be just fine to skip the sequel that would be appropriately entitled 'What Men Want.'
If this movie is accurate and girls are waiting around for men to call or trying to read into what he might of said to her at a bar that may or may not be interpreted as interest and whether or not that means that he's actually interested in dating me or if he is just trying to sleep with me (which is most likely the case)...Then why the hold up on an explanation of what men actually want.
In my own experience, and I'm not naming names (not that there are many), but the select few people I have been with have said the same thing: "You're just great....any guy would be lucky to have're so much fun and bla bla bla at this point I want to vomit even thinking about those conversations.
When you think about it- guys are always saying that girls are the difficult ones and I'm sure there are some great guys who will read this and say- all I want is a girl who is NORMAL! Who doesn't talk about shopping non-stop and who I can actually bring around my friends and she won't make a fool of herself and me..for that matter. But I GUARANTEE that you have dated, hooked up with or tried to get with a girl who is 100% just pretty. These types of girls can be categorized as 'bringing nothing to the table' least that's the way I see it. And yet these girls almost ALWAYS have boyfriends.
So I raise the question, what is it that guys are REALLY looking for in relationships? Now, guys...I understand that that is a very vague question and it might require some thought or even effort on your part, but just as I'm sure you would like your girlfriend, wife, significant other to do on a regular basis- just leave out all the BS and let me hear it. I promise to not judge and am strictly using this information for research...I mean a book... I mean I'm just kidding. I'm just interested.
Enlighten me...
Well said Erin! Can't wait to read the comments from the boys haha!
ReplyDelete#1. I love Bradley Cooper. Every time he pops up somewhere it brings a smile to my face.
ReplyDelete#2. You should just give up and start "bringing nothing to the table." We'll call it a Socio-Anthropological Experiment into the minds of men. If that doesn't work... go back to sports talk.
#3. I can say with 100% honestly I would not remotely be interested in a movie or book called "What Men Want." Call it cowardice but the last thing I want to find out is that I don't meet up to some left-field expectations of what a woman should be. I would much rather keep burping, spitting, yelling at my television like the athletes can hear me and wearing stilettos only when I feel it's appropriate--not to every godforsaken event on Earth.
#4. I'm "bringing nothing to the table." HAHAHAHA
#5. I gotta go.
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ReplyDeleteIn an honest attempt at giving you some insight... I will spill my own guts to you.
ReplyDeleteMen aren't so easy to read. We are constantly morphing in an attempt to attract you (meaning you women, not just you, Erin). What I want is to be with someone who can seamlessly fit into my existing life, and at the same time, make it better. I enjoy myself when I'm out with my friends. You might too, but if you don't, that's cool too. I might have fun hanging out with your friends, but I might not want to all the time. I enjoy being alone sometimes, and I really hope you are fine with that. If you need some alone time, take it! I'll still be around when you want me. Just ask. Every guy wants to claim a hot girl as his, but hot will make me look, it won't make me stay... perhaps the night, but who can tell how much longer. You will have to be ready to get to know me, and at the same time I need to be willing to learn all about you. Compatibility reveals itself over time. Attraction just might be the spark that makes you want to learn, but if you don't have the time in your life to devote to learning someone new, then don't even bother. I don't, so I have put off that search for a later time...BUT... I love sex. THERE! I said it. Sex is that singular amazing activity that get's you back to all good. At this point, I'm not looking to pad my stats and go adding new notches to the bedpost. Occasionally, I do want to get back to all good, without strings attached. So, yes, I just want to sleep with you... But, I still want to respect you, so, I need to like you. And, I don't want to have to explain to you after the fact that we are still, just friends. Friends should just be on the same page about the whole ordeal, before the ordeal, becomes a big deal. What I want... is to be able to experience that physical connection, and have everything be perfect, if just for that one night, or afternoon, or morning...and I want to be able to know that I gave a friend the same opportunity. Strangers need not apply. That's a response to blog you have yet to post.
The notion that guys are simple creatures, drives me crazy. I am too complex to be viewed as such. I am too much of an individual to be perfect for anyone in particular... except, perhaps, on those special occasions...
Well Erin I will try to serve you up an answer to your question: "So I raise the question, what is it that guys are REALLY looking for in relationships?"
ReplyDeleteI am pretty much looking for a girl who has her own ambitions and goals and accepts my ambitions and goals in life. I'm not looking for a "home-maker" but instead someone who has their own thing going on. I'm not saying to keep secret lives from one another but instead share your lives. What really makes a relationship work is that genuine care and support for one another. If you can't fall back on someone for support or ideas or a good laugh or to tell you when your being an idiot (in a loving way,lol) it's simply not going to work.