Thursday, December 31, 2009

Here's to Uncle Buck

Let's call a spade a spade and say that this is one of the greatest comedies of all time. Clearly. I think I laugh harder every time I watch it. That magnificent pancake alone makes my day...every day. Now imagine watching Uncle Buck as part of what turned out to be a very nice, first date. How do you think that would turn out? Very well actually.

And such was my evening last night. To keep it short, I had a very nice, traditional date last night consisting of dinner, a movie, some NHL 2010 on XBOX and another movie. All in all - a great time. Laughing hysterically the entire time - this is bound to happen when both parties involved are incredibly funny. Regardless, there was one thing that was obvious about this date that hasn't happened to me in a long time and that was that I could completely be myself and not have to worry about scaring anyone away. Not that you need to worry about that on a first date, but my mother is constantly telling me to tone it down a notch, to sit down for a change when I'm out and about and I'm always telling her that I just can't do that. I can't be someone who I'm not - understanding that my out-of-controlness is more than likely a turn-off for most men but we won't go into the reasoning behind that.

Last night was a relief. Of course this was because we actually have known each other for a long time. A very long time. All the way back to high school. Scary, huh? The funny thing is that neither of us has really changed. We just got reacquainted over a period of a few years and I mean there really isn't much else to say about that. I ran into him - in more ways than one - on Christmas Eve and well we made plans to go on a date. Easy as that.

And when yesterday came along, of course I was a tad bit nervous, but nothing too insane. None of this over-analyzing, what do I wear (lie), what is he going to wear, should I really eat as much as I normally eat or is that disgusting? None of this was a problem. Dinner was great...delicious in fact...and then we went back to watch a movie. No funny business. I got to pick the movie and what other movie to watch than Uncle Buck. Classic. John Candy's greatest performance perhaps. Needless to say - we were both laughing hysterically the entire time. And neither of us thought twice about the fact that we were watching a movie that came out in the early 80s and probably received minimal positive reviews during its prime.

And this is what made the date so much fun. No shame, no worry, no filters. Good stuff. And so here is my concluding thought: while it may be shocking to most that I haven't been on a normal date like this in a long time, I can say that it is my hope that as we all get older and continue to date and be merry - that dates remain this simple and easy-going. Who knows what will happen - if anything - but if nothing else, it was nice to just spend time with a good person who enjoys hanging out and having a good time as much as I do.

Cheers to that...and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Big NYC Debut

I think it's safe to say that Karaoke has become the relationship in my life. I feel very committed and I truly do not think there is anything that could come in the way of me and my plans to rock the hell out as much as physically possible. That being said, I decided to take my new-found talent on the road. Now just to back up a moment, I have had mostly positive feedback on my karaoking. Let's all try to stay balanced here and understand that most of these commentators are friends and family and would never tell me if I was awful. I know that I can't sing BUT I also know that I can absolutely rock out. So the most common comment is 'Your performance more than makes up for your singing.' Totally fine with this.

So last night I decide that since I 'sort of' have off of work all week' I am going to go and see my favorite (only one I know) live band karaoke band at their home bar in NYC: Arlene's Grocery. What I've heard of this place is that it's a total dump. Awesome. I get a group of girlfriends together and we're on our way.

We go to dinner first. Fine. Head over to the bar and get there a little before 10. Me and a friend sign up to sing as soon as we walk in and the list is already almost filled. Just to keep this in perspective...when the band comes to Red Bank to perform at the Downtown, they have to pry people out of their chairs to sing - or at least wait until they are wasted enough to lighten up. So whatever...we sign up and let the good times roll.

One by one these singers go up and they are just phenomenal. Clearly they are all in the performing arts and me and my friend continue to look at each other and contemplate leaving instead of facing the music. I mean these people were legit singers. And now I'm even more nervous than I was when I first got there...and the guy standing in front of me who is practically shitting himself farting all over the place is not helping to lighten my mood. I'm ready to vomit instead.

Regardless of these nerves, they call the name of the guy who I know is before me. At first glance he appears homeless. Second glance he looks like Gandhi...and cannot sing to save his life. Perfect. This is the ideal situation I have been waiting for because the girl who just rocked out to Led Zeppelin really took the house down. So they call my name. Holy shit. How am I going to get up on stage in New York City and sing in front of these awesome talents?

So as I head up to the stage the only thing I can think about is whether or not I am visibly sweating through my rockstar shirt. As I approach the stage, the lead singer reaches his hand out to help me onto the stage. I grab it...take a large step and proceed to COMPLETELY MISS the stage and smash into it instead...leaving a massive bruise on my thigh (just in time for NYE and my hot dress), a hyper-extended wrist and mounds of humiliation. Nevertheless - I rocked Journey's 'Anyway You Want It' better than ever - according to friends - and had a fantastic time. I would do it again in a heart beat.

Just wanted to share that embarassing moment with you all. I'll keep you updated on my shenanigans as they continue to ensue.


Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas to All

On what will definitely go down as the most relaxing Christmas ever, I am feeling the need to give a global Merry Christmas to my wonderful friends and family. Most people get very stressed out around the holidays. Too much to do...too little time. Sometimes you're buying presents for people who you would rather not buy presents for. More often than not (which is unfortunate) you're spending time with people who you spend the remaining 364 days of the year avoiding like the plague. The list goes on and on.

Here's where I have a different take on the holiday season in general. If I do get stressed out during this time it's because I never seem to have the kind of money that I would need to buy everyone what I want to buy them. This of course is usually some out-landish (incorrect spelling) gift that no one in their right mind would buy but I know that that person really wants it and that's what it's all about for me. I get such joy and appreciation out of seeing other people happy or if it works out that my actions are what made them that happy - bonus. As many of you know, I have been very blessed to be happy pretty much every day of my life - and that's with credit card debt pouring out of my ass and something like $3000 of inequity in my 2003 Honda Civic. And you know what... I could care less.

I look at every day as an opportunity to have as much fun as possible and learn a little along the way. And that's what I think we should all do around the holidays. Sure you have millions of people coming out of the wood work to buy presents because they feel obligated to do so. And this in turn puts all kinds of aggressive drivers on the road thus creating incredibly angry people everywhere you turn. And do you wanna know what I say to these people? Merry Christmas.

Quick story - I was walking over to Salt Creek Grille with my boss the other day and a car cut in front of us as we were crossing the street and nearly ran us over. As they turned I noticed that they had a New York license plate. So, being me, I scream - OF COURSE YOU'RE FROM NEW YORK!!!!! Normally this would be the end of this story. We would get a couple laughs and go and enjoy some of the best calamari ever. Instead, this woman had to butt her nose in my business as she overheard my blatant outburst and instead of just going about her ordinary day, she proceeds to say to me, "Was that necessary? You're completely mental." So instead of enjoying a funny moment, I had a stranger tell me that I was mentally insane I think is what she actually said. And do you want to know what I said to her? You're very smart. I said Merry Christmas and went ahead and had a phenomenal lunch.

As Christmas of 2009 comes to an end...probably sooner for me since I have been hungover most of the day today...I encourage all of you to really enjoy every day that you can this upcoming year. I went ahead and did that in 2009 and it has been..hands down...the best year of my life.

Merry Christmas to all...and to all a good night.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Is That All There Is?

Due to my recent state of confusion that has come as a result of mixed signals, over-analyzation and just general bsing, I am feeling quite compelled to enlighten my readers on what I will refer to as 'romantic imagination.' And just for the record, I came up with that term on the spot so if anyone has anything that they think fits this blog after reading it, please let me know and I can change it.

After reading my last blog you are probably thinking that I actually stumbled upon a decent guy. Seemed nice, interesting, interested in me, complimentary and we appeared to have everything under the sun in common. How then do you explain the immediate fast-forward to 'let's just be friends.' Sounds confusing, huh? I think I can disect this at least a little bit for you all and then I'd like to know what you think.

What if said person is pretty set on knowing exactly what he is looking for and is solely relying on getting that 'feeling' when he is around his apparent future soulmate? Is this how people are defining relationships nowadays? By the presence of that oogling feeling we all refer to as 'butterflies' or lack there of as the case may be with yours truly? Seems a bit presumptuous, doesn't it? Here's the thing with that approach - what happens if you just take a step out of never never land for a second and think that it is in fact possible to have legitimate, long-term feelings for someone that do not result in butterflies. Aren't butterflies somewhat of a sign of fear that what you're feeling might go away some day? Anxiety that the person you're feeling this way for doesn't feel that way for you? Nervous that you might say something that will throw the other person off their horse? And then it could absolutely be a sign of interest, compatibility and eventual love (heaven forbid). But why put all of your eggs in one basket?

I for one have spent the past year plus of my life truly enjoying myself and while I don't think I needed to spend that time 'figuring out who I was' I have come to some conclusions. While other people might be extremely interested in the whole 'mind game' bit that accompanies dating, relationships and so on, I just can't be bothered. For me, an ideal relationship is one that allows both parties involved to be themselves - completely - and enjoy each other's company at the same time. End of story. I really feel like it's that easy. If you have managed to attain that which I cannot seem to get a hold of but will continue to glide through life as the happy go-lucky, karaoke fanatic that I am - then for that I envy you.

Of course I hope everyone reaches this point in their lives, but after this situation I can only think of one thing to say: Try not to rely on one 'feeling' that will allow you to fall into a relationship...or love if that's how it works out. I would suggest just doing what makes you happy - because if it's right then that will make the other person equally as happy.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Passing Judgment

After a night out, there is not doubt that if you do not reenter the public eye in something more presentable than sweatpants and larger than small hoop earrings, you are going to be accused of committing the ever-embarrassing walk of shame. My question on this dreary Sunday morning when I can't think of worse weather to give my Giants a chance at beating the Eagles this evening is this: Why are we always so quick to pass judgment?

I walked into the pharmacy this my home see if my prescription had been filled. I was wearing the clothes I slept in, my Middletown North field hockey fleece that says 'Beehas' on it and medium sized hoop earrings because I didn't want them wrestling around in my purse. The pharmacist girl happens to be someone who I went to high school with - graduated one year ahead of me. We both know that we know each other but we are nothing more than polite to each other - which is fine - but I left the pharmacy wondering what on earth she could have thought I had done the night before that left me in this condition.

In actuality, I was at my company's holiday party and happened to be the designated driver - thank goodness- and limited myself to 2 glasses of wine over the 5 hours we were there. Totally fine. Here's what I'm assuming she thought: This girl is a hot mess and probably slept with some random guy she met out in Red Bank the night before and is going to be experiencing a wicked hangover for the majority of the day. Which could not be further from the truth.

So two questions for my hopefully loyal readers:

1. Why is it that we all tend to pass negative judgment on people when they are not looking their best?

2. What would you have thought I did the night before if you saw me in that condition?

I look forward to these responses.

And let's all do me a favor and root for the Giants today. LET'S GO BIG BLUE!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pleasantly Surprised

Since beginning my single and dating lifestyle a little more than a year ago, we all know that I have not had many...any successful experiences. That's not to say that it's anyone's fault. Aside from the guy in the very first post of this blog, it was never anyone's fault. We just weren't compatible and that probably happens more often than not.

So let's talk about this for a second. What are the chances of two people who are put in the uncomfortable situation of a blind date actually hitting it off? I'm certainly not looking into that statistic, but if I had to venture a guess I would imagine that it was lower than 35%. Not good. And how can a person get over these slim odds? You could always take the casual relations route. Some hey nanny nanny with no attachments. Although I've come to realize that you always get more information than you're asking for but that's a story for another blog entirely.

Without giving away too much information I will just say that my recent introduction to someone who I would had never met had it not been for me throwing an insane party for my mother's 50th birthday and my aunt being the nosy, eavesdropper that she is. There is no way of knowing where anything will go at this point, but I can say with confidence that the first 'date' was the best I had been on in well over a year. And that's a bold statement - not because I've been on many dates because I haven't..but the extent to which is was different was just unbelievable.

So I'll keep you all posted. And continue to provide you with some random observations that I find interesting and enjoy hearing your thoughts on.

Have a nice weekend...and Let's Go Giants!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Party of the Year!

My disappearance from my blog can be almost entirely attributed to my extreme stress and obsession with what will now be known as 'The Greatest Party of the Year!' I can FINALLY say that my mother's surprise 50th birthday party went off without a hitch and she was more surprised than I could have ever imagined. And this was despite my almost completely blowing it that very morning.

In my defense I had been lying to my mother for THE LONGEST 10 MONTHS OF MY LIFE and it was only a matter of time before I busted at the seams. This is the woman I tell the most to in my life...probably more than she ever wants to hear but that's just the relationship we have. And what do I do? I text her instead of my brother with - morning! did you get a chance to put your clothes in justine's car? And she immediately responds - what? [Picture Erin almost having a heart attack at this very moment] I thought I had blown it. However, it turns out that she is as clueless as I was when I was being thrown 4 surprise parties in my life. That's just one of the many things we have in common.

So after 10 months of planning and being super obnoxious to my brother and father about doing everything I want and when I want it done...the anticipation and stress and nightmares and everything that made me crazy was all worth it when my mom strutted into that party like she owned the place! She see's that there are 90 people screaming 'surprise!' for her and what does she do? She turns to her friend...probably gives her a nice 'holy f'n shit!' and then walks in the room, rips off her jacket and throws it at me and does her runway walk. It was priceless.

And the party just got better from there. To sum it up I will give another, brief speech:

Mom...this party was something that I have wanted to do for you for as long as I can remember and if I could have one thing in return it would be to see you that happy always. I don't think I have ever seen a bigger smile or a brighter glow on your face than I saw that night and it truly made me the happiest daughter in the world. I love you so much.